2024/02/28 21:30:01 [mixxx:2] Feeding stopped: Ogg.End_of_stream. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:3] Thread "harbor source feeding" aborts with exception Ogg.End_of_stream! 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Raised by primitive operation at Ogg.Sync.read in file "src/ogg.ml", line 130, characters 4-12 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Called from Ogg_decoder.get_page in file "src/ogg_decoder.ml", line 232, characters 13-39 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Called from Ogg_decoder.feed in file "src/ogg_decoder.ml" (inlined), line 244, characters 23-39 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Called from Ogg_decoder.decode_rec.exec in file "src/ogg_decoder.ml", line 725, characters 6-14 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Called from Ogg_decoder.decode_audio in file "src/ogg_decoder.ml" (inlined), line 730, characters 19-42 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Called from Liq_ogg_decoder.create_decoder.decode in file "src/core/decoder/liq_ogg_decoder.ml", line 195, characters 8-65 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Called from Harbor_input.http_input_server#feed in file "src/core/sources/harbor_input.ml", line 153, characters 10-39 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Re-raised at Harbor_input.http_input_server#feed in file "src/core/sources/harbor_input.ml", line 160, characters 22-29 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Called from Tutils.create.(fun).process in file "src/core/tools/tutils.ml", line 188, characters 12-15 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:3] Main loop exited 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] At stage: "Liquidsoap main loop" 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action core shutdown (stage: after Liquidsoap main loop) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action on shutdown execution (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action on shutdown execution (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action log shutdown (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [main:3] Shutdown started! 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action builtin source shutdown (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action input.harbor shutdown (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action libcurl shutdown (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action request.dynamic shutdown (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action Requests shutdown (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action wait_for shutdown (stage: before Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] At stage: "before Liquidsoap core shutdown" 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action initial cleanup (stage: Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:3] Waiting for main threads to terminate... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Waiting for thread clock_main to shutdown 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source Verket_opus gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [ogg.muxer:4] Verket_opus: Setting end of track eac65d4. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [ogg.muxer:4] Verket_opus: Every ogg logical tracks have ended: setting end of stream. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [Verket_opus:3] Closing connection... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source Verket gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [Verket:3] Closing connection... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source switch.4 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source switch.3 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source amplify.3 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source track_amplify.3 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source amplify.4 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source track_amplify.4 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source give gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Removing mountpoint '/verketgive.ogg' on port 8082 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Nothing more on port 8082: closing sockets. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source kive gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Removing mountpoint '/verketkive.ogg' on port 8081 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Nothing more on port 8081: closing sockets. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source dull.2 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [dull.2:3] Closing connection... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source dull_opus gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [ogg.muxer:4] dull_opus: Setting end of track 223816ee. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [ogg.muxer:4] dull_opus: Every ogg logical tracks have ended: setting end of stream. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [dull_opus:3] Closing connection... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source switch.6 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source jive gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source amplify gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source track_amplify gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source ejiv gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source amplify.2 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source track_amplify.2 gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source mopidy gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Removing mountpoint '/mopidy' on port 8089 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Nothing more on port 8089: closing sockets. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source evil gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Removing mountpoint '/tset.ogg' on port 8086 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Nothing more on port 8086: closing sockets. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [source:4] Source live gets down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Removing mountpoint '/test.ogg' on port 8084 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [harbor:3] Nothing more on port 8084: closing sockets. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [clock.main:3] Streaming loop stopped. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Thread "clock_main" terminated (0 remaining). 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:3] Main threads terminated. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action Srt disconnect (stage: Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action srt shutdown (stage: Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action osc shutdown (stage: Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action lo shutdown (stage: Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] At stage: "Liquidsoap core shutdown" 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action scheduler shutdown (stage: after Liquidsoap core shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] At stage: "before Liquidsoap scheduler shutdown" 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action scheduler shutdown (stage: Liquidsoap scheduler shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:3] Shutting down scheduler... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Thread "generic queue #1" terminated (3 remaining). 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Thread "non-blocking queue #2" terminated (2 remaining). 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Thread "non-blocking queue #1" terminated (1 remaining). 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:4] Thread "generic queue #2" terminated (0 remaining). 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [threads:3] Scheduler shut down. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] At stage: "Liquidsoap scheduler shutdown" 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action server socket cleanup (stage: after Liquidsoap scheduler shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [server:3] Unlink main.sock 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action final cleanup (stage: after Liquidsoap scheduler shutdown) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] At stage: "before Liquidsoap final cleanup" 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [lifecycle:5] Executing action final cleanup (stage: Liquidsoap final cleanup) 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [main:3] Cleaning downloaded files... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.0:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.10:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.1:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.11:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.2:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.3:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.4:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [request.7:4] Request finished. 2024/02/28 21:30:01 [main:3] Freeing memory... 2024/02/28 21:30:01 >>> LOG END